Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It Is Getting Cold!

It has been a long time since we have blogged! We have been really busy with school and getting things done at home. We are also preparing for the cold to officially arrive. So far, the weather has not been too bad but it is supposed to get worse. Apparently winter here is really wet and cold…and you never feel that warm since they do not have central heating anywhere. We are stocking up on electric blankets, warm socks, long underwear, and portable heaters. 

Thanksgiving was nice. Hunter was able to have a full blown American Thanksgiving meal with the secondary students and staff. Luckily he brought me a huge plate of turkey, stuffing, and sweet potatoes because my class celebrated very differently! We had “international day” in the elementary wing.  Thanksgiving with my class was potluck and all the parents brought a homemade meal that represented their culture and country. I had homemade sushi, noodles, and other unique cuisine. 

We have been on a few trips since we last blogged. We spent one Saturday in Suzhou and explored a beautiful park there. We went to Nanjing for Thanksgiving and hiked around Purple Mountain. We also spent one Saturday at a cool Buddhist temple in Kunshan. Below are some pictures of our adventures!


  1. Merry Christmas! Love your pictures and your adventure.. Thanks for sharing and I love you both! Be safe!! and warm. cute bunny also!

  2. Wow, the pictures are awesome! Keep them coming. Love reading about what you both are doing.
