Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Kids

I thought I would share a little about my class and classroom since it is where I spend a lot of my time ;-) It can’t be all play and no work! My classroom is nice and pretty large. I have the room decorated in a Dr. Seuss theme! I wish I could have put more time and effort into decorating but I didn’t know I had the job until 2 weeks before school started.

I have a pretty challenging class full of 20 nine and ten year olds. Their personalities are all over the map, which I love. Some of the little girls in class are so sweet. I love them to death! However, trying to manage the class doesn’t allow for much time to really develop any kind of relationship. I wish I could get to know some of the students more but I don’t know if I will be able to. I think that is something I need to work on. The teacher they had before, Mr. Booth, is the most amazing teacher. He somehow managed the class and formed really deep bonds with each student. I definitely look at him as a role model that I hope to be like one day. 

One little boy has decided he really doesn’t like me. I am not sure why. He has such an attitude and even drew a very ugly picture of me, male body parts included. He definitely got in trouble and was sent to the vice principal with his artwork. I wish I would have kept the picture and framed it as remembrance of my first year of teaching. 

Some of the students are so incredibly smart. They know 4 languages already, are math whizzes, and write in complete sentences! There are also a few in class whose English language ability is very low. I am finding it difficult to differentiate. I am learning though and trying to stay positive! I am excited to celebrate Halloween with the kids this week. I need to think of more Halloween activities and plans for the week.

Other than that we spend our weekends chilling at home, shopping in town, or going on random trips to Shanghai. This weekend is the weekend after Halloween so we may go out and celebrate Friday night. There are a couple of local expat bars that have Halloween parties. 

Anyway, missing everyone back home and wishing you all the best.

Love, Chels


  1. Miss you too! You are making so many memories, we are all happy for you both and you are in our thoughts and prayers! I am sure you and Hunter will make a positive difference in several lives! Keep on!

  2. yay Halloween, your favorite holiday! is Halloween celebrated in China? what did you go as?

  3. Haha I wish I could have seen that pic!! That is hilarious. Oh can't please them all.
