Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Going Stag

Hunter started his third day of class today and he seems to really enjoy it. I have to say I am a little jealous that he gets to interact with other English speakers all day but at the same time my inner introvert is loving the alone time and solo expeditions.

I didn't go too far on my first day alone, mostly down the street a few miles to explore some shops and eat lunch. The place I ate was purely Mandarin....I had no idea what was what and the people working there were not much help. After a minute of pointing to the few pictures on the wall and repeatedly saying picture, one of the waiters brought out a huge menu full of images. Phew. I ordered a salad that had peanuts, cucumbers, and tomatoes as well as a delicious stir fry of peppers and cauliflower. Despite the spiciness, it was delicious! After eating, I went and checked out the local supermarket to get a feel for our future grocery shopping trips. I am not sure if this is the norm here but this particular supermarket had several floors. The first floor was like a shopping mall full of clothes, the second had products for the home as well as bath stuff, and the third had fresh produce and food. I was relieved to find a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables! Can't wait to have a home and a kitchen to cook in.

Later that evening Hunter and I decided it was time to eat some famous Peking duck! We took a cab to a place that was recommended by the hotel staff. We each ordered a separate dish of differently prepared duck; it was definitely one of the best meals by far.

Yesterday I ventured out much further, taking the subway to the Beijing Zoo. I admit that I feel guilty for going to the zoo. The animals are not treated well and are stuffed in small, confined spaces but the zoo here is listed as one of the top places to see in Beijing. So I figured I could go check out a panda or two. I had a lot of fun looking at all the animals and decided to also visit the aquarium right by the zoo. It was quite a lot of walking and a very exhausting day but enjoyable.

Afterwards, Hunter and I met up for dinner. We went to a really cool restaurant called Pure Lotus. A critic online perfectly describes it as "delightfully pretentious". First of all, it is hidden behind a hotel in a random parking lot and is extremely hard to find. As you walk up, there are people dressed like monks ushering you into a tent like building. The inside is lit only by dim lamps and candles, giving it a mysterious feeling that is reinforced by the sitar playing in the background. Sitting at a low table in midget chairs, we ordered tomato dumplings, "vegetables", and something we can't even pronounce and are still not sure what it was. Everything was served on a unique platter or display and we ate off adorable china set atop lily pads. The atmosphere was definitely offbeat and entertaining. The food was great too!

Anyway, I am about to start another day of unaccompanied exploration! My main goal may be to look for a laundromat...wish me luck!


This statue of a man roasting some duck was at the restaurant where we had amazing duck. I think this place is pretty famous for it!

This was the duck dish I ordered. It had tomato sauce, pineapple, and sweet pickle. Such a strange combination but so good.

After dinner one night we decided to check out the night life. It was busy!

Hunter enjoyed a Chinese beer. It tasted very much like Bud Light.

These people were singing at the bar. They gave off a karaoke vibe but I think they are a band.

 Panda at the zoo!

Hunter and I enjoying dinner at Pure Lotus. The little statue is holding the dish we can't pronounce. It tasted kind of like tuna fish and was surprisingly really good with a little bit of apple sauce on top.

The vegetable platter we ordered was basically little bundles of salad with carrots inside. They gave us this savory sauce to poor over the bundles. We are pretty sure there was peanut butter in the sauce and it tasted great! They gave us a complimentary dish of cantaloupe to top off the meal!


  1. Sounds wonderful, at least you are eating well! Don't wonder off to far by yourself, please! ;-) yep the mom in me. much love to you both!

  2. Hunter and Chelsea,

    Mom and I love stalking your blog every night! We like to see what's going on and are watching for your updates... Sounds like yall are having a lot of fun...Be safe!

    Your favorite cousin (this shouldn't need clarification, but if it does, please read name below)


    P.S. I read an article about the Chinese eating roasted dog. Please don't do this!

  3. Enjoy living vicariously through your China adventure. Love you aunt Connie & Uncle Ray
